Thomas P Cochran started in 2015 on the beautiful island of Mauritius, the source of our original inspiration. Surrounded by the most glorious blue sea and stunning white beaches, it was a healing balm, having left our home in Zimbabwe.  

 Having  spent time on the gold mines in Zimbabwe Patrick was fascination by the processes of mining to the refining of precious metals. After a course in South Africa  studying silversmithing, his first original was a hedgehog cast in sand.  Back in Mauritius  a beautiful Fighting Conch was the first shell cast as a sculpture . A few months later the first shop in Tamarin was opened with a fledgling collection of shell sculptures and some jewellery. 

We are now in a beautiful spot on the wonderful Isle of Wight. Situated in the middle of the Island at Arreton Barns Craft Village the Ocean inspiration continues.
Thomas P Cochran is a family business with Patrick and Tom in the workshop. 

  Come and visit us. 

We look forward to being able to offer our bespoke service to you.
